Our Clients

Financial &
advice for
Pilots and Aviation


Prepare for financial take off with Maddern Financial Advisers.
At Maddern Financial Advisers in Melbourne, many of our clients are pilots and aviation professionals like you.

We know all about the unique financial planning and accounting issues that people in your industry face:

  • With a PAYG salary and few allowable deductions, you are paying more tax than many people on an equivalent income, so you really need to maximise your returns on the money you get to keep.
  • Your career is well-paid but precarious – any kind of health issue might mean an interruption to your income.
  • It’s very difficult for you to access competitive personal insurance.

Because we have so many pilots and aviation professionals as clients, we know how to plan around all of these issues. We’ll develop a financial and tax strategy for you that grows your wealth while protecting against interruptions in income. Having a specialist accounting firm working alongside our advisors, we can also ensure that your accounting and taxation needs are completely integrated with your wealth creation goals.

We know from our dealings with many pilots that the aviation community loves to talk about investments, so you will be pleased to know that our approach isn’t just “accept our advice and don’t ask questions.” We not only welcome, but encourage your questions and suggestions. Also, our state-of-the-art web based ‘Direct Portfolio’ platform gives you detailed access to your portfolio’s performace, regardless of the destination you have landed in.

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Self-Managed Superannuation Funds
Self-managed superannuation is a centre of excellence at Maddern Accountants and we have a thorough understanding of the requirements involved in self-managed superannuation.
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Sports Professionals
Specialised Financial and Accounting Advice for Sports Professionals
Financial Advice for Sports Professionals
Business Owners
Specialised Financial and Accounting Advice for Business Owners
Financial and accounting advice for Business Owners
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Pilots, ready for a financial
strategy that grows your wealth?

Please provide your details here and we will be in touch.